Training & Nutrition

Do you want to transform your body but not sure where to start or which might be the best approach for you?

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Have you read articles, watched videos, and listened to podcasts, there’s a ton of information out there and it can be confusing putting it all together when deciding on the right plan for you?

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Or maybe you know what to do but are struggling with motivation and staying on track?

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This is where i can help you and just give you everything you need to build your best body ever?

Start Now

Customized nutrition and training plans, exercise technique coaching, emotional encouragement, accountability, i will be with you every step of the way to ensure you are maximising your time and effort in order to achieve your goals.

If your ready to achieve your best physique ever my VIP one-on-one coaching is for you.

Training Only

$200/per month

Upfront $500 - 90 day payment

• Full training plan using TrainHeroic Platform
• Exercise demos & performance tracking
Results Guaranteed

Nutrition Only

$200/per month

Upfront $500 - 90 day payment

• Full calorie & macro breakdown
• Meal planner & recipes
Results Guaranteed

Training & Nutrition

$300/per month

Upfront $750 - 90 day payment

• Everything included in Training only
Everything included in Nutrition only
Results Guaranteed

Achieve your best physique ever in just 90 days!

Gain Muscle

Lose Fat

Look better

Feel Better

Perform Better

Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible.

Results Guaranteed.

I Want You to Fire me in 90 Days

While most coaching businesses try to keep their customers around as long as possible, i take a different approach.

I don’t just figure out your calories and macros, create custom nutrition and training plans based on your goals and circumstances, make adjustments depending on how your body responds, help you ingrain the right eating and exercise habits so you can develop a healthy and sustainable relationship with food and exercise, and more.

Once you’re thrilled with your results . . . I ASK YOU TO FIRE ME.


You’ve heard the phrase “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” That summarizes how i see my  one-on-one coaching service. With all the knowledge I’m going to give you, you should`nt need me forever, my mission isn’t just to help you gain muscle and lose fat—it’s also to give you the tools and know how you need to forge ahead in your fitness journey without me.

So, when you sign up for any of my coaching programs, ill walk you through the entire process of building your best body ever. i will also teach you the all-important whys behind the hows—the key principles and tools you need to become your own coach. 

And the best part? It only takes 90 days.


Jon Bond is a legend. As a former NCAA athlete I had a myriad of issues getting back into fighting shape. Jon’s approach was through and thoughtful and I ended up losing 20 Lbs in the first month of us working together. He customized the workouts specifically for my goals. Jon is always reachable and inspiring. He walks beside you the whole way and sees greatness in his clients. I recommend Jon for any one who is serious about making real positive changes in their life.

Jon took me from a binge eating, inconsistent overtrainer to a manageable workout plan and diet I can follow resulting in me feeling my strongest at my lightest weight since my teens.. our goals are now well beyond winning the local bjj comp.. Jon has a magic touch in his workout designs but what sets him apart from my 4-5 previous online coaching experiences is he listens and tailors the workout to the equipment you have, it is not some cookie cutter, one size fits all program off the shelf...


  • A nutrition and weight training plan designed by myself or one of my expert coaches. 
  • Work one-on-one with myself or one of my expert coaches via email/message app exchange
  • Create a customized plan to help you achieve your nutrition and training goals (lose fat or gain muscle) with very little left to chance
  • Feedback from your coach 3x a week (in response to your proactive updates, required of each coaching client at least 2x a week to stay on track!)
  • Your coach will monitor your weekly progress and make any necessary adjustments to your customized program
  • Unlimited contact between you and your coach via email
  • A 24-hour turnaround on your questions on weekdays, 48-hour turnaround on weekends
  • The 3 month plan typically has 3 mesocycles of training within it along with 3 months of nutrition coaching.  

Training Only

$200/per month

Upfront $500 - 90 day payment

• Full training plan using TrainHeroic Platform
• Exercise demos & performance tracking
Results Guaranteed

Nutrition Only

$200/per month

Upfront $500 - 90 day payment

• Full calorie & macro breakdown
• Meal planner & recipes
Results Guaranteed

Training & Nutrition

$300/per month

Upfront $750 - 90 day payment

• Everything included in Training only
Everything included in Nutrition only
Results Guaranteed

Frequently Asked Questions

Not long literally just a couple of days, once you have filled out the on boarding questionnaire we will arrange a phone call consultation to go over your specific needs and goals, them your customised program will be sent out to you within 24 hours.

Yes absolutely i work with a lot of busy people that see great results training as little as 3 times per week.

Yes of course going through the program together is a great way to support and keep each other on track, you will most likely have different training and nutritional requirements so this will be accounted for in your initial consultation, contact me for special partner rates.

No problem I work with everyone from beginners to professional athletes, once I have assessed your goals and starting point I devise a plan to get you there, as a beginner the initial focus is always on the basics of correct exercise technique, load management and intensity to insure the right level of progression and so that you do not hurt yourself.

If you know the basics that’s great, this will help speed up the process as you will be able to ramp up intensity faster than a beginner and increase your rate of progression.

No problem i will devise a plan based around the equipment you have access to.

If you travel again its no problem, consistency is key so we will devise modified workouts for while you travel to keep you on track based on equipment you have access to.

Regular check ins and communication, communication is key, all i ask for is effort, consistency and honesty, as long as we communicate i can modify and make adjustments to keep you on track, my goal is to make this an enjoyable experience and one that you can turn into a lifestyle.

Support is the same no matter which coaching program you choose, we are 100% committed to helping you achieve your goals, see “what you’ll get section” above.

If after 14 days you are unhappy with the service i will issue you a refund no questions asked, after 14 days if you feel the program is`nt working for you and you can prove you are trying to adhere to the program then i will refund you prorated what you have left.

Apply to work with Jon