Core Values

My Mission

Someone once asked me “Why gyms? Why go into the gym business?”

Since I first stepped foot in a gym at the age of 13 – the gym has been my haven.

The physical benefits, of which there are plenty, is just the tip of the iceberg. The gym has been my home, my social life, my stress release, my happy place.

I want to give that gift to everyone – the more gyms there are, and the more people willing to open gyms around the world, the better and healthier place the world will be.

When I first started opening gyms, I quickly learned that building the gym is the fun and somewhat easy part. Running your own gym and having it become profitable, however is a different matter entirely. It can be stressful, full of unexpected challenges, and if you’re not careful, it can take away your love for the industry. My mission is to help you navigate and avoid the pitfalls and mistakes I myself have made, and to help you build a solid foundation for growth from the ground up. I want to give you simple step-by-step solutions and systems to put in place to enable your gym membership to grow month on month and optimize your success and profitability.

My goal is to help you as a gym owner to provide abundantly for your family, have time to enjoy your life, and provide consistently life-changing service to your clients. I will not rest until your gym is standing proudly on its own two feet.

Me Vs Them

Why should you choose me to help you over my competitors?

Quite simply, I care.

I’m not here to give you a bunch of textbook business 101 answers to your
problems. I will give you honest and personal solutions to your very unique
issues. I spend hours solving problems on a day to day basis using real life
situations to help improve everything from costs analysis and projections to lead
generation, nurturing leads, sales, retention and revenue streams.

Not only that, I work with you to ensure you have the right model, product,
packages and services, and that you have the systems in place to manage the
standards and results you expect. Above all else, everything we put in place will
align with your gym’s purpose and values.

Core Values

Do The Work

Go The Extra Mile

Speed Is King

Grow Or Die

Own It, Be Your Own Boss

Don't Bullshit

Be Humble

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